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Anyone at A&M want to refer me to cfo services?
Any advice on how to approach your Google manager about turning your role into 60% part-time (3 days/week)? I know there is business need for role, so would be hit to the team, but I’m feeling burn out hard and don’t see how I can last much longer. Figure it would be better to go part time than leave altogether, but can’t really say that to my manager. Any way to explore this without blowing everything up?
Additional Posts in Pivot to Finance
Any VP corp bank jobs out there?
Hello everyone! I recently pivoted from working in advertising to working at an early-stage fintech startup. I'm looking to speak with business finance leaders who manage corporate cash and credit lines for their companies to learn more about your tools and your approach to cash management. I'll buy you lunch/coffee for your time.
If interested shoot me an email me at! And thank you!!
Anyone at BlackRock willing to connect?
I added a license to my consulting practice last year and have been extremely happy with the progress. On track for a multiple of a 6 figure salary and super close to 7 figures within 18-24 months. Not easy work, but there is so much opportunity and your voice is needed to help people who need direction!
I own my own practice and am expanding into other states. Founder/CEO