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Wipro Hi fishers, need a suggestion urgently. My wife Joined Wipro on 12th of Jan 2022 but till now didn't got any project. Stream is SAP Functional. Now she's holding an offer letter from Cognizant with a good package but problem is need to join by 19th of April. Is there any way to give spot resignation in Wipro? She's currently on bench.
Hi Everyone,
Having 7 years of experience in Tata consultancy services. Currently working as a Quality Assurance Test analyst in a UK based insurance project for 4 yr. Having experience of Mannual testing, software testing, Functional testing, UI testing, BANCS, Mobile application testing, Browserstack testing, web application testing, PL/SQL.
Looking for an urgent referral. Please find the below details.
Name: Samik Bhattacharjee
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Contact no: 9836154878
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Great discussion board
Alumni are our best allies and all of us need to cultivate more “friends of the firm”. If this is what you want to do, share it with your partner. Thank them for the opportunity, reinforce you’re a friend and had positive experience but this decision is for different reasons. They will be supportive. I would be.
Good luck!
I had this exact situation recently for a client I am responsible for. . I thought it was a good move for the employee from my firm, and that he had the skill set to succeed, so I encouraged him to make the jump. He has been there 4 months now and is growing a lot but a bit stressed due to the big step up from what he was doing. I am providing him some coaching and my team is also giving a bit of support behind the scenes. He still is pretty happy with his decision and is looking forward to when he feels a bit more comfortable in his new position.
As long as you are running to something and not away from something I believe everyone would be happy for you
P3 is really good at selling
Reach out to your soon-to-be-former firm’s client team. I’m sure they’ll love having another ally
for this client. It would be a great step up professionally for me and put me in a position where I’d be a key client stakeholder for some of the work we’ve traditionally done. How do you feel about losing talent to these type roles and what’s the best way you’ve seen people exit and still maintain a good relationships with their firm? I would like to think my firm would hate to see me go, but love to see me in this type of role.
Wow. Must be super high quality!!
I think people will treat you extremely well if you are exiting to a position in which you might have the authority to hire/fire EY
Thanks for the advice! This is really interesting and good to hear.