Hidradenitis supparativa - does anyone have it? I think I might. Have red lump so painful can’t see doctor until Tuesday

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I’d be careful with self diagnosis of skin things, because there are a lot of conditions that look and act similarly. But maybe try a warm compress?


if it’s to the point that the lump is hot to touch, so painful you can’t move the area, or it bursts and there’s a smell - go to the ER they’ll get you on antibiotics (because at that point there’s probably a bacterial infection) and clean the area, i assume you’re going to see a dermatologist on tuesday, the most they can do is inject it with steroid to decrease inflammation or do an incision and drainage (might recommend surgery to remove the lump too). HS is chronic and unpleasant but there are some treatments like biologics or hormonal therapy (talk to dermatologist about your options). Also take painkillers right now to help with the pain if you have to wait until tuesday


There is only one doctor. It’s good because you see the same guy every time but also bad because there’s only one guy lol

I did it’s not going away. It appeared Friday it hurts so much can’t even keep arm down.


Lol there are plenty around but I think it’s better to go straight to specialist idk why my doctor is closed Monday


I've had it for 11 years now. Undergone four surgeries so far. But from last two years, I've been under remission

Oh wow. I am in US. But I could not reach my doctor looks like I’m stuck until Tuesday unless i wanna deal with subpar UC doctors. Did any drugs help you? Idk what I have just big red bump in underarm very painful nothing seems to help it

Yes, I have it and have had many flair ups over the years. There is no cure but using hypoallergenic products and keeping the area clean and dry as best you can, can help prevent outbreaks. Stress and increased sweat (mine grows in the armpit area) typically cause mine to flair up. So I try to keep both down. Dri-fit deodorant is an awesome product to reduce excessive sweating. If it’s already swollen and painful you have to go to a doctor to get it drained, they often don’t minimize at this point. In the future once you see if begin to swell go to a dermatologist immediately .. DON’T WAIT.. as they can often give you a cortisone shot to reduce the swelling and stop inflammation before if becomes uncontrollable and needs incision. Hope this helps!

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