Hi everyone, I am looking for ideas on how to pivot out of the usual month end close cycle. A remote job ideally. If you were previously in a similar accounting role and switched, I would love to hear about it as well.
My Accounting background is:
3 years GT Audit - manage small team, manage engagements,
2 years Industry Accounting - manage small team, improve monthly processes, month end close, reconciliations, generate financial reports, generate budget and forecasts
It’s highly unethical and I don’t recommend but sex, drugs, and money have a way of motivating people
Might a little difficult since it’s virtual… but I will work sth out…
If you are a figma rock star, make sure you mention it because your onboarding would be faster to bring you up to speed to bridge the onboarding gap from hire to productivity. That is a gap an internal resource doesn't have to bridge. Also, if there is any hint to the type of projects you would be working on and you have specific skills in that type of design, that is also important. Just because someone is internal doesn't mean the individual has a specific type of design expertise.
Figure out their hobbies secretly and mention your huge interest in that same hobby.