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just gave notice and already feeling free as a bird
Any healthcare consultants here?
This bowl is gonna put dong draper out of business
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just gave notice and already feeling free as a bird
Dropping in to say $500k is not “nothing major,” it sounds like you have a knack for biz dev which is awesome. Those skills won’t suddenly deteriorate because you’re changing firms. I’ll let partners comment on how much it moves the needle, but in your shoes I’d ask myself how much I like my current firm/practice when thinking about the new opportunity. If you have good insight into the team culture, clientele, etc. and feel comfortable, I’d be OK to lateral with your skills, reason being if I’m more passionate about the work and have a proven track record in bringing in business, those two things could definitely put you in a good position to chase your goal at the new firm (assuming there aren’t some underlying limitations at the new firm, e.g. gatekeeping/undermining partners).
From the client side, I agree it’d be unlikely we’d move firms for a third year, even if they brought us on, but it really depends on the relationship.
First, thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it. Second, this advice is great and really makes me feel more comfortable about moving. I enjoy my current practice well enough but it’s not something that gets me really excited. This new opportunity is in an industry I am truly passionate about and I’ve heard great things about the firm. Sounds like lateraling would not be destructive for my career. Thank you again
All that being said, 500k in Billings may be so menial that it wouldn’t have any impact on my ability to make partner in the long run in which case, lateraling would be a no brainer for me.
Subject Expert
What level of firm? Is this 500k every year or a one off?
Near the tail end of Am100. Just below market pay. 500k is a one off. Proliferation is obviously a possibility but as of right now, a one off