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Universal Basic Income - Andrew Yang talked about this during the 2020 primary and made a compelling argument for it largely based around what you explained; the immense administrative costs of current welfare programs and how means-testing leads to people being “locked” into welfare unable to acquire enough savings to crawl out.
More like hot garbage take
I have a tendency of reading things too quickly
Rising Star
Everyone would receive approx 500 a month. The point of welfare is to provide support for those who need it most, in targeted ways. Giving people 500 a month isn’t enough to cover groceries, medical, children needs, etc. It’s a bad idea.
@D1 have you considered the possibility that the horrible setup of our current welfare programs teaches some people to stay poor?
So we take the total amount of funds and then quadruple the people who are dividing it and call that a win? What?
Rising Star
The downside of this is that more people will die due to lack of food, shelter, and healthcare.
I’m intrigued how you both advocated for but also seem to not capture the impact of tax brackets.
The slightly higher income tax would cover whomever you think shouldnt have gotten the money.
So let's go from giving money to those that need it to survive to giving it equally to those that will use it to fuel up their yachts
The rich wouldn't be getting a net gain due to higher tax. The universality would make implementation easier, similar to stimulus checks.
Ideally the gov could achieve economies of scale by centralizing services vs individual distribution of funds.
In theory yes but in practice we’ve observed the bucket being so leaky that it only serves people with lucrative government contracts and/or jobs