How did y’all decide which doc/fertility clinic to go with? It’s so overwhelming. I had a consult with one my friends sister used and started the process but frustrated with them a bit (feel rushed). I’m in LA/Thousand Oaks. Recs appreciated too.

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Thank you!

Google the doctors names see what the reviews online say

I did interviews/info sessions with USC and CMD fertility. I really liked the USC doctor (dr. ho) but I didn’t appreciate how important proximity to the office was until we started. I then switched to Dr. D at CMD and I’ve really enjoyed her style. Accessible, to the point, competent team around her, so far happy with her guidance.

CMD is on Wilshire/405 so might be convenient for you.

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Feb 2020: IUI leading to miscarriage at 7 weeks. August 2020: IVF frozen transfer (ICSI), miscarriage at 6 weeks. February 2021: IVF transfer #2, went for 8 week US today, baby’s measuring on track, heart rate of 170, I saw the heart beat and baby gave a little wiggle. Graduated from our fertility clinic, with 10 week US scheduled for
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Additional Posts in Fertility Bowl

Anyone have experience with Clomid? What is the process like and how long did it take to conceive?


Oh man. Did 6 FETs with high quality eggs. 0. What do I do? How do I know what the issue? Did ERA, PGA test, IV drip, natural cycle etc..... lost of words. Should i just try naturally?


For those who have been pregnant how did you feel before you knew successfully conceived? I’ve done the google search of symptoms for before you are able to take a formal test, but wanted to know some personal experience. Thanks!


Anyone have to give herself the progesterone shot?? Single mom by way of donor and a bit nervous about that part. All the other shots were no problem. FET is in two weeks. I’ll learn Monday how to do them. Should I watch YouTube??


My husband and I have gone through all of the preliminary fertility testing with our RE - so blood work, Karyotype testing, baseline bloodwork and ultrasound on day 3 of cycle, HSG test, sperm analysis, and a genetic screen. Zero abnormal results found… we’re both 29 and healthy. Have been trying for about 14 months and have had 2 early miscarriages, 6 months apart. Anyone in a similar situation? Our follow up/treatment appointment is in 2 weeks, feeling anxious about next steps!


I’m 31yrs old and husband is 33yrs old, his motility and sperm count is too low, all my results are normal. so we decided to go with IUI first and see and then try for IVF as I cannot afford IVF, my insurance is not covering for treatments. I was taking letrozole And ovidural injection(only one injection), and got ready for this cycle, but unfortunately when the sperm was washed his motility 2.5 and our doctor at CCRM suggested not to go, as count is too low and it doesn’t work.😭. Will IVF work?


Hi, I’m 30yrs old and by next week I will be 31yrs old. Got married 2 yrs ago and we have been trying for kids from past 7 months but no luck, we try to have sex almost all 7 days of fertile window. I get my periods regularly, I don’t have thyroid nor PCOD. My Gyn did all test, and everything looks fine, my ovaries, Fallopian tubes , harmonies. Do I need to see fertility doctor ,if so, how is the best fertility doctor near Boston area. Need inputs for next steps before it’s too late 😒


I did not have a good retrieval and I’m having a hard time processing. This cycle took so much out of me, I don’t know if I can do it again. I just want to cry.

Hi everyone, I am 4 days into my IUI process. I also recently found out that my UTI was not a UTI but instead Ureaplasma. My husband also tested positive.
We are waiting to hear back from the fertility specialist but I wanted to see if anyone has had this experience, or any knowledge. I’m nervous that the antibiotics will affect my ability to conceive, but just as nervous ureaplasma will make it difficult as well. I can wait until next month and start over but I really don’t want to. Any advice


What were your go-to resources when learning about elective egg freezing and IVF? Things you wished you’d known?


Feeling down today. Got a negative test today. 2nd cycle. Feeling hopeless and thinking maybe this process doesn’t work. 😭🥺😥 I just don’t think I want to go through another round. Wait a few months then try again. What have you done?


Is it time to start the IVF process ? We already had 4 IUIs done over the last 6 months without success . RE says it’s your call now .


Looking for advice. My wife and I knew we had to go the surrogacy route to grow our family. However, recently we learned that we may also have to go the donor egg path. Although it is possible for my wife to extract her eggs, it would be an uncommon and low probability procedure. She seems fine with the kid not being genetically linked to her or looking like her. I feel selfish that for me genetically linked and similar looking children is important. Anyone with thoughts/experiences to share? Tx


Confirmed 1st BFP after almost 1yr TTC. Scheduled the prenatal visit for Sept. Anything I should do (or not do) in the early weeks / Anything that might be surprising but is normal? TIA!


Anyone in here a SPC or thinking about it? How do you know when you're ready to start?


We are trying to change plan. What you’ll think about Aetna EPO, heard it pays 100% for IVF? Currently on BCBS not much benefits if we would want to skip IUI and jump to IVF. Any suggestions here would be helpful. Thank you.


My BFF’s husband has delayed ejaculation and trouble ejaculating inside her. They are TTC and she is super stressed. Any tips on how to handle this scenario?


Does IUI treatments use the same funds allotted for other fertility treatments like IVF? We’ve had 3 unsuccessful IUIs and wondering if we should do another or just wait to go to IVF in February. We don’t necessarily want to spend more money on IUI since it’s been unsuccessful thus far especially if that money dips into our fertility fund with the insurance.


Can you swim after your ovalution days or does it impacts implantation?