Hi fishes,
I'm currently attending lot of interviews, some interviewers are courteous, introduced them, their work experience, what they do and then ask me to introduce myself. While there are interviewers who don't even tell their name or anything, just join the interview and start asking questions, some interviewers don't even apologize if they join late.
One thing I noted is, these guys are generally not managers or HR, someone who have 1 or 2 years more experience than me.
Any experiences?
You can check with your doctor and they can prescribe medicine to reduce vomitting..
Ask your doctor about unisom (otc). Lots of carbs and reducing screen time helped. I take Dramamine in the car still. It gets better!
I waited until week 16 to finally ask the Dr for something (was already taking B6 and unisom) and as prescribed Zofran. Helped SO much, I wish I’d asked sooner bc it’s so hard to work or do anything when you are feeling that bad.
B6 and unisom at night. Anti nausea peppermint lozenges during the work day
B6 helps during the day too. My dr has me taking 25 mg 3x daily
Diclegis (combination vitamin b6 and unisom) saved me
ugh, first I'm sorry. I always try to comment on these posts because I know the pain and it is really under rated how awful "morning sickness" can be. Echoing everyone above, if NAV (neasea and vomiting) has started to effect your quality of life, it's time to ask for medication. Know that doctors do try to put this off, not because the medication is proven to be harmful, but simply because less intervention (if not needed) is better.
1) They'll first tell you to try small carb+protein focused meals frequently. And ginger. And wrist bands. This works for some people, typically those where it will fade out by week 12.
2) The next step is they'll usually encourage OTC combo of Unisom and VitB6. I found this helpful, mostly because Unisom prevented me from waking up in the middle of the night and throwing up (it's a sleep aid). Know if you're struggling with fatigue, adding this to your combo will increase that sleepiness.
3) The prescription combo of the above will work better than simply combining the two ad hoc. In the prescription it's the correct dosage and time release. Bonjesta I found to be the best, Diclegis second best. From my understanding Bonjesta has a time release and Dic does not. Insurance might fight you on covering these and they are EXPENSIVE (like $500 for 30 pills). Fight your insurance, you'll win. It will be about $40 for the month supply.
4) I have said this before in this bowl, zofran is the only thing that did it for me. It's the last thing doctors will prescribe. Not because it's harmful, but because it's medication and you're pregnant. There are thousands upon thousands of women that take it every year and deliver healthy babies. My NAV was very bad and HG territory, zofran was the only thing that allowed me to work through it.
Hope that's helpful, hang in there!
Next step is Bonjesta if this doesn't help. Doctor did say he would prescribe it
I don't have bad morning sickness, maybe throwing up twice or so a week, but when I do I wanna give up on the day! Been like this since ~7 weeks and I'm 10w6d. For me I don't think it's bad enough to take anything but I just wanna nap the whooooole day after.
Everyone on this thread, thank you. I have been so miserable all these days. Appreciate all the advice