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Citi -- 16.90 LPA, Angular + Java FullStack ( will learn java here ), Limited WFH, Very far from native.
KPMG - 13 LPA, Vue + Angular, .Net, Azure, Limited WFH, Very far from native.
Which one to choose for overall growth for woman, Please provide valuable feedback.KPMG Citi Citicorp Citicorp services india pvt ltd KPMG India KPMG UK
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I need to get the hell out of here
It very much depends on the organization. Small tech is growth, sales, implementation driven. Not a lot of biz ops happening so those roles will be scarce. Large phase near IPO or really IPO days are looking to really cement their strategy, and look for all roles. I’ve found they pay fairly competitively to M level, but you’d have to get to the Director level at industry to get SM level comp.
FAANG, etc, is perfectly comparable, and with Total Comp considerations probably blows SM out of the water.
I’ll tell you more after you refer me to LEK
I’ve hear $260-$350k at Google for L5ish roles (2-3 post MBA)