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Presumably these are the prices you can buy shares at a point in future, post - IPO?
Offer A has higher upside (more shares). Offer B offers more chance of profit, but less upside.
The break even point would be $3 sale price, where you’d make $120k either way.
120k * (3-2)
80k * (3 - 1.5)
Higher than $3 and the 120k is better, lower than $3 and the 80k offer is better.
You’d have to make some estimate of the likelihood of the stock going above $3 during the window when you can sell it.
Failing that just go with your gut, safer or riskier?
For clarity, these are at a portco
Youll need to provide more info to get thoughtful responses
Apologies for the noob question. Very new to this space. What additional info is needed?