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Sleeping is the most enjoyable. 🤣🤣🤣
yeah my pain
Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Accountability!
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What do you do when you work for a company that has been acquired and everything changes? Everything is remote so there is no in person meetings, we are so busy they have taken all team meetings away and have mandatory overtime. We have lost so many people and I feel that the ones that have stayed are not being appreciated AT ALL! They are not providing ANY type of incentive for the ones who do show up and EVERYONE is getting burnt out. I am looking for another job outside of company.Empower Retirement
A senior partner once advised me not to respond to clients drunk. Better to wait. It’s never been a problem.
You throw back a coffee and...
I don’t think responding drunk is ever a good idea—too much risk for the perceived benefit. If this is over the weekend, it becomes a client management question. Your client’s anxiety is not your problem to fix. Absent it being something critical for a matter that 100% cannot wait, then send an “Acknowledging receipt. I’m not around my computer but can get you something tomorrow by [___]/Monday .” If you always drop everything to cater to your clients random—and usually not actually urgent—requests, that’s going to become the baseline expectation. If you set reasonable boundaries that don’t interfere with serving your client, they shouldn’t have any issues. And if they do, let them ruin someone else’s life.
“Will do!”
If it’s late enough where I can get away with responding to it first thing in the morning I do that. If it’s an EOD thing that they want in their inbox by like 7am I go to sleep and wake up at like 2 to crank it out
Lol that would fall under the bucket of ‘late enough where I can get away with responding to it in the morning’. If a client expects me to respond to an email they send me after 11 they’re clearly high. Exceptions for stuff that’s been going on all day and closings of course
Lower your rate
Definitely not, otherwise I’d be doing that for those all nighters I do for closings when I’m not functional past like 2am
It depends on whether the request iswork-related or not
Are we talking late at night, morning or midday?
Late evening I ignore it. Late afternoon I give a vague response about having received the message.
This is why if I’m going out drinking I just don’t bring my work phone out. I’ll answer it in the morning.
Does your firm pay for use of your phone?
Respond to acknowledge receipt; provide a substantive answer when sober.