How do we feel about JOAN?
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Great place to get fabric from.
Their ECD wanted out so bad he went to HAVAS.
Crawford? Terrible mother ; )
Noooo wire haaaaaangers!
Ok well I'm glad I asked. Lol.
Know several people who made stops there. Each and every single one of them wanted to get out baaad by the end. Building quite a terrible rep amongst creatives right now.
Rising Star
@SS1: The Other Guys
Heard it has a toxic culture. Even if you’re a woman. Especially if you’re a woman.
Rising Star
Knowing one of the founders as I do, not the one who used to work where you work, I do believe this to be true.
Sounds like the culture of BFG with the work of BBH.
Rising Star
Yeah, that got weird quickly.
We feel that opening a question posed to a group of anonymous strangers with "How do we feel..." assumes a false companionship, most likely born out of a need for approval and belonging missing elsewhere in one's life.
As for Joan, I don't really know too much about it.
Do you actually refer to yourself as "we"?
strategists i know got tf out of there real quick
I’ve heard terrible things about the culture.
Wow. So nothing good about JOAN. Damn.
A little confused... is it that bad as people make it out to be? Just won agency of the year?
That means nothing. Also, GSP won campaign agency of the year. This is an independent subset.
I’ve heard it’s really toxic and baaaaaaaaaaaad internally... but I guess they’re PR masters. That’s something tho.
I loved their black forest gummies spot from a few years back, but Dave hasn't been the ecd in awhile. Looking forward to seeing what Laura does there though
I heard about the toxic culture and then one day the head of strategy/strategy director reached out and then completely ghosted me for no reason, which just reaffirmed to me that I don’t want to work there.