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Can I get 15 likes so I can DM please!!??
Have you talked to your boss about being WFM more so you can live with him?
Find something great to plug into independently. Also if you’re remote.... go be remote with him in the new city and explore it together. Sounds fun
Not sure if this is what you meant GD1, but if I’m interpreting you correctly I totally agree with “find something great to plug into independently” for surviving a LDR. We undoubtedly are living in an amazing time for LDRs with the ability to FaceTime and text at any point, but in my experience (>1 yr long distance with someone I am seriously involved with, with only 2 visits in that time) you will tear yourselves apart trying to feel as close as you do when you’re together through those means. It will never feel right and you’ll constantly be living in your phone, desperately trying to fill a hole in your heart that just can’t be filled over FaceTime.
Everyone’s experience is different, but I found it best to set aside times once a day or every other day or so to FT my partner and be totally focused on her, and otherwise try to stay away from constant distracted texting and other digital contact while trying to go about the rest of my life (can be a huge challenge for my generation). That way I had time to focus on myself and my other friendships, and experience the world rather than constantly focusing on how sad I was that I wasn’t with her and how texting wasn’t alleviating the pain. To your point, it helps to find something like a hobby or even a TV show that you can enjoy yourself and use to enrich your own life, which helps to distract from the pain of being in a LDR and gives you purpose and joy. And then when you’re back together you have cool new interests to share with each other!
I haven’t yet! I already WFH for now maybe will change in few months but we own a house and both not interested to live in that city for good. Will give it few months to see how he is new job and if it’s worth moving and renting our house.
Rising Star
If you WFH now, why don’t you go live with him in the new city and work from there? Or if you don’t want to do that full time, work there Fri and Monday so at least you have the full weekend with him.