How do you deal with a toxic colleague?

Everything he says is condescending. He's quite large and seems to be negative overall.

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He’s quite large? Help me understand how that is relevant? Is it intimidating?


Is his large belly intoxicating you? 😂


Lol op with the weird take on life


Lorge boi go grrrr


Can you quote what exactly he says? I don’t get posts like these. People tend to make assumptions without evidence to share with others. You could be taking it the wrong way


I take it as he's more obviously living in a glass house than most.

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My first job out of college, I worked for a non-profit and the executive director was a toxic bully. She seemed very nice on the outside but once you peeled back the pretty exterior she was ruthless. She would yell and demean employees. She also would play favorites and peg employees against each other. These favorites would soon become scapegoats and be put on PIPs for no good reason. I could go on and on...


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