How do you determine if a stock is a good buy at a given price? Seems like the people that are really good with stocks have a mix of strategy and luck. I have only had luck so far. I would like to incorporate more strategy because I can see myself doing this long term and i’m not going to be so lucky everyday. Any tips?

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I think it take a lot of research and luck. I don’t have the time or skill to pick stocks so I just by broad market index funds and don’t try to beat the market. People will definitely do better than me but a lot will do worse.


Yeah that’s generally what I do, but i’m getting into picking stocks as more of a hobby than banking my retirement on it. Just want to take it more seriously. Thanks for your input!

A couple things you can focus on to incorporate more “strategy”: read some of the company’s S1 filing, do some research on the TAM(total addressable market), and research the competition. One big change I made that I felt has helped is to stop looking at stock price and look at market cap. It’s also a good idea to do some research on the management team to have some idea of who they are


I like to consider stocks from the top down. So start with if you believe that the industry they compete in will grow or can sustain multiple large companies. Then ask if that company has a unique method of competing in that industry that gives them some advantage.

I have only just started investing this year and I subscribed to the motley fool, they recommend stocks (which narrows it down for me) and then I research the company and decide if I like what they’re about / if I want to buy or not. From what I know, the main thing to look at is the market cap and not the actual price/share of the stock - the market cap is where it’s at from the little I know. Obviously there is a lot more to tell if a company is a good investment or not, but the market cap divided by outstanding shares is what determines the stock price, so a big company could have a very low stock price and a small company could have a very high stock price . (Don’t know if this was what you were asking).

The motley fool also has articles on what to look for in a company and so on.

Just a disclaimer, they have too many promotional emails which can be really annoying because you have already paid for the subscription (currently $99 per year) and they keep pitching thousand+ dollar subscriptions which is annoying. I have also heard 7 investing is decent and they are not as annoying with the marketing bit.

The last 10 months have been ridiculous with so many crazy winners. It’s not always like this so if you’re up big think about how to protect some of those gains. Going YOLO and trading memes all the time will likely lead to losses over time.

You also need to think about a system that includes selection, diversification, risk management, and when to sell. Most people like a blend of fundamentals and technicals, but depending on how much time you want to devote to this you may need to think about how screen ideas and focus.

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