How do you feel about mental health days?

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I don't understand the avarice towards using a mental health day. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Everyone on here is a professional. We all understand that work still needs to get done and deadlines still need to be met. As long as someone is meeting deadlines and completing their work, what exactly is the issue if they take a day off every now and again for mental health?


"Made up excuse to use a sick day" -What you say when you're so horribly ignorant, you don't understand that having poor mental health is a medically diagnosable illness just like the flu. Coincidentally, also what you say when you want to be the least liked person in a given situation.

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Necessary, should be compulsory in most cases at least once a month.


@PwC2, people like you are the reason people like me still feel the stigma when deciding whether or not to talk openly about mental illness. Soften yourself up a bit, will ya?


Anyone with a mental illness is hardcore, strong, and courageous. We're experts at dealing with it, hiding it, doing what we need to do to squash it, succeeding in spite of it, not letting it define us, surviving, and thriving. Most of the time. Point being, it would just be nice to be able to *safely* say, without question, "I just need a break to pull myself together because sometimes this shit gets a little heavy."


I don't really call them "mental health days" but I do take a day off here and there to have a "me day". I sleep in, get my hair cut, get a mani-pedi, get a massage, and other stuff like that. It's a great way to decompress and relax outside of the normal hustle bustle of weekends and workdays. We get a ton of vacation days and this is how I use some of mine.


I approve, we now have 10 mental health days per year from my perspective


@PwC2 mental health is a sick day. You're not on vacation sitting on a beach somewhere, you're taking a day for your mental health. That's no different than taking a day when you have a cold. Do you take PTO when you stay home for s cold? Do you book against your vacation balance?


They are called sick days and we get 10 of them


The point of calling it a "mental health day" that is to clarify that while you are not feeling well, it is not as outwardly apparently as someone vomiting on their coworker. Without calling it that, you get people like the jerks saying to take PTO while you lie in your bed crying. Give me a fucking break you dinosaurs.


People's inability to cordially disagree on here is astounding. Someone should be able to have a different opinion or take on something without being called names and belittled.

This is an area rife for abuse since as people have mentioned there aren't outward signs. If someone gets their work done and meets deadlines it shouldn't matter. Just like if someone gets physically ill more often but gets their work done it's nbd. At the same time, I wouldn't blame someone for taking pto and avoiding anyone questioning their motives for taking the time off.

End of the day as long as you're not offloading your work to others it shouldn't matter.


I've yet to hear of someone being diagnosed with "sick", as well. Because we generalize the title of the day to encompass all sickness. Could be flu, could be cold, could be disease. It's literally the same thing. Would you like to us to title it a depression/bipolar/anxiety/panic disorder/eating disorder/OCD/schizophrenia/ADHD/PTSD day? Or is the all encompassing mental health day enough for you?


^You're an idiot and completely missing the point. Your asking people with a sickness to take PTO. Needing a mental health day is no different than staying home because you have the flu. Do you also take PTO when you have the flu?


@PwC1 Sick days.


It's easier when it's all just PTO. All you have to say is I'm taking PTO today


The same people who whine about mental health days are the same ones who are the first to bring up that mental health needs to be addressed when a shooting happens.


I fully support mental health. If you are bipolar which I have officially dealt with as a family member it doesn't go away. It's not a flu where you are sick and will be back to work tomorrow with no symptoms. Should you there just not have to work because you are bipolar? No that's stupid. I take plenty of days to stay home and do nothing to mentally reset and I take PTO to do. It's personal time. You don't need to sit on a beach for it to be a vacation. It's time off from work.

I also fully support gun rights but can not figure out CH1 point. What do you believe the underlying cause is because I don't whine about mental health days. In fact the opposite but I'll be the first to say that mental health needs to be addressed for shootings. Trust me as a vet I very familiar with mental health PTSD and everything else. So maybe learn more about people before jumping to conclusions.


^ I'll drink to that. And I fully embrace that and support everyone doing it. I just use a PTO or vacation because it's personal time.


Apologies to all for coming across as a non supporter in the beginning.


You realize we don't sit at home relaxing and "mentally recharging" right? We're at home, crippled by our own disorders, unable to do anything.


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