How do you get over someone you never dated? I know this person is not right for me but I can’t get it off my head

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I’m in the same boat OP! Breaks my heart every time I see him. Group hug 🫂


It’s natural. You don’t have to have dated someone to feel a bit sad / heart broken over them.

Distance yourself a bit and prioritize yourself over them.

Remind yourself of your great qualities whenever you’re feeling down and remember that you’ll find someone else that’s compatible :)


It's perfectly normal and just needs some time and patience. Forgive yourself, try to understand your feelings and let them happen, and indulge a few non-destructive pleasures (favorite movies you haven't seen in a few years are great).


You have a bad case of one-itis. Get yourself back out there and you'll remember how big the world is


These type of people are hard to forget but you need to listen to your mind instead of heart and use your time wisely.


Time will heal everything. But till then, make a list of their negative qualities. That really helps. Also keep yourself busy.

Date someone else

Fir kya dikkat?


lol they won’t date you. So laugh or cry, learn to accept it.

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