Anyone have a spouse/partner who is a picky eater?
I grew up with two french bodybuilders for parents and enjoy super minimally seasoned, whole, unprocessed foods (yes, we were the weird house for not having goldfish as kids), and I live with my handsome man from a beautiful Mexican family who cook with many flavors but also eat out a LOT.
He is okay about my cooking as it is 90% veggies, but some nights he’s blunt that he’s picky, and I whine about going out. Thoughts?
selfishness and greed makes it easy for me
I like you
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It’s a legit question. Of course it’s difficult. More FaceTime calls. Have them over every year if possible. Have friends check on them. Won’t make up for your absence but still helps. Don’t think of it as selfish. You don’t want to be there and they probably don’t want to be in the US.
I didn’t realise how tough it would be. Getting rid of the debt and flying back
Great question for the H1B bowl!
My friend lost her mom during this early covid time and she did not grt to go either , this got me thinking . I started making plans to go back as soon as I pay off edu loan by early next year
Same plan
I try to don’t think about it