One thing I like about my firm is that, if your intern sucks? You can just say they suck and they’ll get pulled off your job so you can focus on being efficient. I put considerable effort into 1: he’s never available, never finishes anything, never takes notes, doesn’t follow through on communication ever, zero initiative, and refuses to talk to anyone except 1 staff associate even when specifically directed otherwise. I can’t push pull or drag him if I tried (and I did). I don’t feel bad.
Thank you, I’ve been debating about what to do and that helps. Everyone goes out of the way to help her but she ends up throwing each of staff and seniors under the bus with management. Firm won’t get rid of her so this is the only way. I just didn’t want to sound like B_. But if I must then so be it.
Just two years. Just got promoted to supervisor in January. Comes in the office one day a week. The other days it’s always an excuse as to why she can’t work. So far she’s missed 5+ months of crucial busy season time in behind pto or her some excuse everyday for not being able to work. Meanwhile in order to help out everyone on our team associates and seniors try to help move her projects along. When we get our performance comments made by her it’s always I get push back from staff and they become confrontational when that has never been the case. We are just trying to get things done and getting information from her is like pulling teeth. #difficult. When the partner asks why something isn’t done she doesn’t take ownership and say I didn’t do it she lies and says a staff has it that’s why it’s not done aka bus throwing. We get yelled at and reprimanded as a result of no fault of our own.
You won’t...don’t be scurred, Nike that B_. #JustDoIt and let’em fail