How do you guys do so rejection hypersensitivity doesn’t ruin your daily work? I’m going through a break up right now and I can’t focus at all.

Last time I had a bad breakup I lost my job due to the impact in performance, I’m really worried

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I find that listing out all my thoughts in a table and rationalizing through them helps a lot.

Also, grounding yourself in the moment with guided mindfulness exercises really helps bring me back from the chaotic thoughts. Easier said than done.

Good luck! I’ve been in your shoes


I’d find a therapist as soon as possible to get ahead of the RSD.


Gather up your support system with family , friends not in common with the relationship, do therapy 2-3 times weekly, work out/hire a personal trainer, take special hobby classes. You want to build yourself up as much as you can. Going through a breakup of 3 1/2 years now and it sucks.

I didn’t know this was an ADHD. I’m also terrible at this and put my job at risk in last breakup.


I think it’s also anxiety which ADHD ppl tend to experience more of


People with ADHD experience emotions intensely. Particularly rejection, as you’ve noticed.

We are all smart people to some degree, or we wouldn’t be here. So by that logic, I just remind myself “hey, this hurts worse because of ADHD. But it’s okay and you’re fine.” Seems simple - but recognizing the logic is helpful for me to keep my bearing.

Also, set your expectations for your productivity realistically low. Let things slip that are not critical. Don’t sweat it unless it’s absolutely major. Not everything is priority!


Dealing with this right now & can’t even get out of bed until noon to start work. Therapist just discovered I have RSD and next week we’re going to talk more about it, hopefully I can share some helpful tips

I think I work more when I am going through such personal issues. The way I cope is, I shove it under the carpet and try to over compensate elsewhere to gain external validation. Not saying its the good way to cope, because I think it comes back, one way or the other at a later date. But it definitely helps in buying some time.

However I’m working out high intensity daily


Find a pump up buddy. That’s someone who enjoys being an enthusiastic joyful MoFo.
Their energy is contagious - in small doses.

DBT helps and so do naps. Read the 4 agreements, try not to take any of it personally. Good luck.

I would love to know!!!! There is some new research that a heart drug, intunive, can help with rejection sensitivity dysphoria.

Anyone have experience with it?

Think you're being too harsh on yourself and rather than feeling bad about feeling bad you should allow yourself to process what you're going through. Basically if you feel the need to cry, go ahead and cry your heart out. When you're good and ready pick yourself back up.

I get that, but it’s not only crying… is feeling deeply life makes no sense, that I’m nothing, that I destroy everything I touch… it’s not being able to eat, sleep or act like an adult. I just heard from a friend of my ex, “you’re 31, you shouldn’t be losing sleep or not eating or forgetting you have a job to do because you guys ended”. For people it’s just a bad week, for me it’s bad enough my entire life derails for a good while

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