How do you make time for exercise with a full time job, studying etc? I feel like whenever I get into a regular workout routine it becomes a huge time commitment and it distracts me from doing other important things. I have been thinking of trying some ideas I heard like breaking my workout apart throughout the day in short 10-20 minute increments. Are there any other suggestions? 🤷‍♂️

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Health and fitness are a priority. If you feel that this prevents you from doing other “important things” then it’s not as high of a priority to you.

I don’t study, but I work 80 hrs a week. I make time. Time management is critical.


You have to make it a priority. It’s an hour a day 3-4 days during the week and 1-2 days on the weekend.

For me - that’s first thing in the morning. Up at 5:30, gym at 6:30, work by 9.


You have to make it a priority. So for me it was go to bed by 10:30pm and wake up early and work out so it’s out of the way.


Health and fitness should be your number 1 priority. If you neglect it, it will come back to bite you (god forbid). No body battles an eyelid when a co- worker is sick. You will be forgotten in less than 24 hours regardless of how indispensable you are for the project. It is in your hands to make it a priority for yourself. No one else cares or will give a damn. This is the harsh reality. Now coming to a workable plan:
1. In my opinion, block your calendar for the time you plan to work out. Mornings are better in general. You should put an out of office for the time you workout. If it’s prior to work hours, it should not bother anybody. If you plan to workout in the evenings, setup a time and ensure that you are doing your workouts as scheduled. This means leaning to say no to any social events or dinners that coincide with your workouts. I was at client for 3 years (traveling) but I played racquetball on tuesdays and Wednesday’s. My dinner used to be protein smoothies or protein bowls.
2. Set expectations with your project team and let them know.
3. You don’t need to compromise workouts just because you have work to do. That’s the case with everyone. Corporates will squeeze out more work from you than you can do. In order to achieve an optimum work life balance, you need to draw the line. On a daily basis, you should have a minimum of 2 hours of exclusive “Me Time”. Practice meditation and also plan to do your workouts. If you are doing neither (assuming you work out 3 days a week), work on your personal goals (book, investments, personal and family well being)
Hope this help.


I do it first thing 3 days a week and make sure to incorporate enough physical activity on the weekends.

Ride a bike. Preferably a folding bike no larger than 16-inch tires so you can carry onto the bus or train and into work. Even two or three miles will make a huge difference. Plus you'll get fresh air and a great change of scenery which is good for your mental health because it breaks up monotony. Don't drive. Use the time on the bus or train to work or sleep.

Make it as easy as possible to workout, and just start small. You can get good exercise in short workouts and long workouts.

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