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Hi everyone, I just had a first round interview for Deloitte M&A Valuation Analyst role based in Australia. I feel like I went pretty well, they were pretty keen at my Analytics background ( DA/Modelling) & my interest in finance (preparing CFA L1 atm)
However I haven’t heard back anything after two days(e.g. book my time for round 2 interview)…I know there is supposed to two more round of interviews.
Just wondering if this is the normal waiting time or I’m not the person they looking?
I recently appeared for an interview (Data science) with Discover Financial Services
I could not understand 20% of the interview questions due to accent issues and answered them as per best understanding.
I think I might get a rejection.
Would it be a good to notify HR about what happned or should i wait for result?
Please suggest
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LA fish who love their jobs, where do you work?
Do VP of sales roles seriously make $350k+?
The recruiter alot of time will send the thank you letter for you. Mine told me to write the letter and they will submit to the interviewer. They want you to get hire also, just tell them that's what you want them to do.
You can write a thank you letter and give it to the recruiter. Or perhaps, it's better if you talk to your recruiter first. It's either they can provide you with an email address or they will advise you to do the same.
You can ask the recruiter for their contact information. If not, you can look at them online and try sending them an email. It is good initiative. Good job!
ask the recruiter; if they can’t provide it to you, you can send a short note via LinkedIn. I sometimes do that and ppl seems fine with LinkedIn as well
Feel free to ask the recruiter for the interviewer's contact information. We receive a bunch of emails like this after interviews and we would be more than happy to help you send the message. If that's not possible for you, try LinkedIn.
Send within 24 hours hand written
You can actually ask the recruiter directly. That would be the best way. You can send it a day after.