How does one attend a team dinner when so nauseous? I doubt i can eat a single thing on the menu and I haven't even told my team I am pregnant yet. Its a fancy Chinese place 😐looked the menu and started feeling queasy already. Whyyy🤮🤮🤮

I d have been so excited to go here prior to the pregnancy 😪😪😪

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This happened to me. I have no good advice - just a load of empathy. I went back to my hotel for a 30 min power nap before the dinner (said I needed to run errands or finish an important email from the room or something), ate a bunch of crackers so I wouldn’t be hungry, then showed up at the dinner and sipped water. I think I ordered something plain and moved it around on my plate? Idk, I think I’ve blocked it out.


In that case, you might want to call out sick

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Welcome you all souls🖤
Let's make some noise


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Additional Posts in We're Pregnant!

Considering how intensely the OB office said I need my blood drawn at exactly 1 hour after glucose drink, would a 4 min blood draw delay skew my results? Not finding any current research.

What week did you go into labor?


Hello. What cleaning products are you using at home while you are pregnant ?


In my first trimester, can I get a microneedling with PRP?


Newly pregnant here! Anyone get pregnant right after starting a new job? Nervous about telling my team and needing to take leave within my first year at the new company.


First trimester. I can only eat only meal a day and some light snacks. And all I feel like eating is carbs and fizzy drinks; french fries, chips, fried chicken, bread, nuts and some fruits. I know this is really unhealthy but how do I bring myself to have proteins and greens.
PS: I do get nausea and constipation but I never vomit. Just don’t feel like eating anything.


Anyone got fever or chills after second vaccine shot ? How did you deal with it? Tylenol?

Recommendations for good reads during pregnancy please?

Need a dress for a wedding - any tips on where/when to get one? Will be a hot July wedding and be 26 weeks then. want to wait to buy it since I will be much bigger then, but hoping I can have an place in mind where I should be able to easily find something. Wedding is cocktail attire and I’d love to not spend more than $150/200ish


Has anyone been able to get pregnant/have a healthy pregnancy with mild uterine prolapse?

I am looking for clean moisturizer brands that still smell nice and can’t seem to find anything. Not a fan of cerave. thanks!

Any advice on TTC after ectopic pregnancy? Seems like it won’t happen for me. It’s been 7 months


Here 28 weeks pregnant and tired of hearing you would need to do this for better lactation, you would have sleepless nights. Can a new mother not figure out on her own with the right scientific knowledge ? Is it important to go by what your parents , in-laws or known ones tell you ?


Struggling so much with nausea that i don't know how do i focus on work. I had to an off from work yeaterday. Wonder how many days can i keep taking unplanned leaves like this. My supervisor is aware of the situation, but the client isnt. Its also leaving a bad impression with 3-4 unplanned leaves a month .
Its getting impossible and i have just completed 3 months.
How would i survive another 6! My first pregnancy wasnt this hard.
Please share some words of advice or consolation

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If so, did you see a colorectal surgeon to get them tied or remediated after pregnancy? I am sure they are here because I am pregnant and had them bad on first pregnancy around 32 weeks.


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Has anyone had trouble finding an ob gyn? I just moved to my area and the recommended ob gyns are fully booked. The first date I can schedule is not until I'm 20+ weeks along. Would you just go to a lower rated ob (taking 2 out of 5 stars on Yelp) the first few weeks and then switch when you are able?


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