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Can anyone help me out with a KPMG referral?
So anyone leaving Cerner now?
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First year problems
Can anyone help me out with a KPMG referral?
So anyone leaving Cerner now?
We almost don't so DDs at ZS and it will be extremely hard to switch to PE without that experience from consulting - even MBB folks who do DDs on a regular basis have to sweat a lot to get those roles.
Not saying it's impossible (I've seen people go to VC for example), but the odds are very low without an MBA and are not improved significantly by having it.
I only know of 2 people who were able to do it without going from an MBA program and they had to basically start over at the entry level as analysts. Both of them also went to secondary markets and smaller known firms where they had connections. They also had some DD experience at ZS and one had very strong clinical knowledge
Is there a perception or evidence that this is easier from shops like LEK or Clearview? Maybe a consulting company chance is an easier path? I came out of PE and can attest that the industry is very selective. We were LS focused and did hire some ex-consultants but mostly for analyst roles.
They do more DD -> more relevant experience for network and interviews