Thinking of turning down a Google offer. 15 YO overall (5 year PgM exp), been a TVC at Google for 2 years doing the role I interviewed for (no direct conversation anymore, so I went though the full interview process). I got leveled at L4 (guessing interviews didn’t go that well) and the comp has been a bit underwhelming. WDYT fishes?
Base - 155k, Equity: 132k, bonus: 15%, Bay Area, PgM role
Down-leveled when I first joined consulting because I didn’t go to b-school and happens a lot. Sigh.
Quite frequent to PE. Less common to HF although still happens. Nobody wants to go to wall street.
Really depends on tenure. Much easier to PE as an associate (pre-mba).
Following, considering exiting to IBD. Is that terribly difficult?
Unless you have dealwork experience, moving from MBB to PE/GE/HF investment team is extremely difficult, especially post-MBA. PE Ops teams are the most common exit for MBB folks, if at all. I agree that most ex-consultants have zero desire to go to Wall Street...