Any good fits for a summer internship at your company?
Hi, I’m a junior in computer science. I have already interned at a company as a Web Developer and I am trained to mostly work with software developing and algorithms, as well as working closely with SQL and Java for the past year. I am pretty up to date with a lot of new trends and I am very eager to learn at a very fast pace. I’m knowledgeable the most in C++, Java, Python, and HTML.Let me know in the comments or if you can dm me that works
No longer have a work ethic
Rising Star
A lot has changed for me…
I met someone in February 2020.
Bought a car in July 2020.
Relocated to a new city in August 2020.
Got engaged in September 2020.
Got married in December 2020.
Exited consulting in December 2020.
Began a new role at a startup in December 2020.
Moved into a new home in June 2022.
My dad died, I got closer to mom. I am separated from my wife. Lost over 30 pounds (because I needed to; diet and exercise). Moved out of my family four-bed house into a two-bed apartment near the ocean. My work partner went to jail (got out about 6 months ago). Got promoted to senior level engineer.
Damn, it seemed like so much more had happened but it’s really just a few major events.
Rising Star
Graduated with B.S. Avoided divorce. Built new house. Had fifth kid, first & only boy. New job. Better overall for me.
I became more of a homebody between quarantine and my dog who developed extreme separation anxiety (started right before covid, ended up being caused by a medical condition). His anxiety would cause him to be destructive towards himself and our house, so my SO and I rarely left him home alone and, therefore, didn't get to do anything fun outside of the house together for almost 2 years.
We finally had to put our dog down and the world has opened back up, but we feel like shells of who we were before. We have no stamina for being out in public or socializing, especially after work. And we are still grieving our dog 😔
This sounds like really hard. Hope it gets better soon
I now see my husband 24x7.
It’s been great. Got laid off at the start of Covid but picked up consulting gigs. Ended up getting a full time job with a company I love about a year ago. Started working out more consistently, eating healthier more consistently and doing better at self care. Longer walks, more yoga and meditation, etc. Less social media. More music and art. More travel. Connected on a deeper level with a lot of people.
I started to value my time more and I say no to events that don’t spark joy and/or have a clear career benefit. I got married so I’m happy to just have a quiet dinner with my husband as opposed to dealing with people I don’t want to spend time with.
I no longer care if I reach a certain hotel or airline status.
Rising Star
That’s ironic I just made top tier hotel status at the big three for the first time
Rising Star
Got rid of credit cards (no debt, just hate paying them every month and the whole points rate race).
Switched jobs twice (got a bad one, now super happy working in SaaS).
I never once would have considered a WFH job, I would have been seeking that corner office. Now I can't imagine going to work and being chained to a desk M-F.
Got engaged and married.
Moved twice.
Went on an international trip.
Made tons of new friends
Gained about 15lbs, and recently got a gym membership, tryna get shredded jacked lol
I originally read it as “Got engaged twice” 😆
I'm an orphan and my dog died
Rising Star
I’m so sorry, EY. 😔
Visual Storyteller
I quit smoking and gained 15lbs. Fml. Lol
Interestingly, it went for the better. 1 year before that, I can’t barely buy a house, so bought a car in preparation for it. A year after (2020) bought a house! 2 months before that, got an offer from one of the Big 4, and used it to counter and get my well deserved Salary adjustment (I am underpaid).
Being a home buddy, my wife and I enjoyed our newly purchased house - gave us more space and 2 couches, one for each of us when watching TV. Plus, got to save more because I never travelled! It was a weird year, but it worked for me and my wife.
Not that much. I’ve always been a bit of a worrier and germaphobe and sanitized everything it’s just now people are slowly becoming cleaner. other than that I still go out, travel, and live just like before.
I cut out friendships that were no longer positive for me, lived in my home country for most of the pandemic so now I feel like I belong to multiple places and miss my home country more, I spend a lot of time just with my SO, with the constant country move I struggle to settle into a solid routine.
Generally everyone has less energy I think and is more selfish (not necessarily in a bad way). Quick weekend trips abroad have now become 3-4 day trips and more rare. I think pandemic + economy/global affairs will have quite a big impact on how we live
2020 March through September none of us stepped out of the house, except for our backyard, everything was delivered to the house and I had to disinfect everything. That was hard... then it got better.
Overall, we sold our old house and bought a new one in a much nicer area, we both got promotions, kids are growing. Life carries on...
Rising Star
Got worse. Less active, no travels but hey I got the gift of life and made it through the pandemic.
Back in March 2020, I was in a horrible spot mentally, financially & was moving back to my hometown (Seattle) after living in NY for a year. Fast forward to today, I’m the happiest I’ve been in a really long time🙂 i was able to graduate with my bachelors degree & found an amazing job. I have my real estate license so I will soon turn that into a part time career on top of my 9 to 5. Left a toxic relationship. I prioritize working out & reading a book once a month. Slowly making more friends here. As much harm the pandemic caused for so many, it was kind of a blessing to me. It really gave me the extra time to rethink how I want to live my life & focus on myself.
Rising Star
No at all.
I met a man in May 2021, and now we are engaged. I’ve gained some weight and struggled with body image/my eating disorder has resurfaced. I’m much less motivated with work, but that may also have to do with where I am in my career. I used to get to the office 15-30 minutes early. Now I arrive 15-30 minutes late. (Our start time is relatively flexible, so it’s not a huge deal, but it’s a shift in mindset.) I dealt with the death of the closest person I’ve had die in my life so far, and honestly, it wasn’t as bad as I worried it would be.