Hi Fishes, I would request you to please refer me if there is an opening of React or Web Developer in your organization. My details are as follows: Primary skills - ReactJs, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python
Secondary skills - NodeJs, MySQL, MongoDB, Django, Pandas.
Total Experience - 4 years
Relevant Experience - 2 years
Notice Period - Currently serving.
LWD - 30th September 2022
Preferred Location - Kolkata or Pune.
Keep a photo of your vax card in your phone, carry a mask, and you’re good. The whole city is open, just gotta follow the rules and don’t be a jerk.
It’s been fine. Ppl are pretty good about wearing masks indoors as a precaution. But yeah everything feels back to normal. Don’t be like those Texans at Carmine’s.
You can do research if you want actual numbers but BAH1 said it best.