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Citi -- 16.90 LPA, Angular + Java FullStack ( will learn java here ), Limited WFH, Very far from native.
KPMG - 13 LPA, Vue + Angular, .Net, Azure, Limited WFH, Very far from native.
Which one to choose for overall growth for woman, Please provide valuable feedback.KPMG Citi Citicorp Citicorp services india pvt ltd KPMG India KPMG UK
Anyone here from Barclays UK ?
Trying to learn the art of deelgating!
Recommendations for a week in Belize?
I’m currently at a non-profit that works with federal agency clients on human capital projects (basically federal consulting). After not receiving an expected promotion, I began applying for jobs & was connected with a Partner at Guidehouse. We had a great convo about my skills/interests & their work, and I’m currently having convos with some directors about potentially joining their teams. How should I approach those convos to close the deal? I’d appreciate any advice about the company, pay…
Forever. Accenture HRs are famous for delay in recruitment process. Your profile can kept on HOLD for no reason and nothing will update on recruitment portal.
Within 24 hours if you're disqualified
2-5 days at max