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4/1 check-in and announcement!
I’m excited to announce that in conjunction to the “Gym Buddies Daily Check-In”, we will be making a new bowl call “Rest Day Buddies Daily Check-In” for you all to compare notes and strategies for how to take a breather from the gym. Follow link below to learn more:
Ok, now that it’s done, what’s your workout for today? 😅
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Ah I remember those days. Wrecked my mental health and I vowed never to work for a company that would have me working with people outside of US time zones on a regular basis
Go with emails.. try more transparent process for tracking..
Used to do that every night. Then one day I decided enough was enough. Setup a strict rule that anything that can be an email HAS to be an email. Then actually followed that rule. Stopped picking up calls at late hours. Asked them to send texts if the house was on fire instead.
I cut down off hour calls to 0 in less than a year and have never had one in the past 4-5 years. Turns out folks can manage just fine. You can do the coordination part early in your morning when there are late shift workers online.
I also extended this to people I interact with. Don't call them during off hours. Disconnect calls when their shift ends (don't ask, tell them and do it). Being respectful of everyone's time goes a long way in gaining respect for your own.
Zero. All our delivery centers are within 1-2 time zones of our clients, and none are offshore.
What is an offshore hand off call?
The hand over can happen the next day in your AM.
And that's why India hates PST onshore people 😂
Can’t you use a log or ticket system and document everything in there for handoffs . More transparent
D1 sounds like the strategy team needs to get in there and transform the process lol
Can you do this so the handoff is via email Friday afternoon/evening?
I had the same routine when we used to go to office. 1 hr call every night. Really disturbed my sleep. Something with a screen light before sleep. Better to get away with that. I did that for a very long time. No escape 🥺😞
But that's the routine.
Cut that call in every alternate day and later 2 times a week. Keep the call only when it's really needed otherwise drop an email.
Bowl Leader
Dang .. is there anyone from your offshore team you can recruit to take this over?
And they wonder why people are leaving consulting…
Are they?
I hear you, and there definitely shouldn't be weekend calls. You could come up with a ticketing system maybe?
Keep this in mind though - they earn in a year, what you earn in a month or two!! A typical senior con on India gets paid about 10-20k USD a year and NO... That's not s lot even in their currency.
Don't make them sound like some kind of "inconvenience". The reason you earn whatever you do, is because the company is saving tonnes by paying them nothing!
Be gracious. Most of them work till 1am everyday.
If there will be weekend calls , let’s staff for that and give people Monday and Tuesday off with a staggered work week .