How much are you guys able to save each month?

Provide Age & salary for context etc.?

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By “savings” are we including retirement?


33, $325K base, save $15K per month.



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If you want to learn more tap into the FIRE community- Mr Money Mustache and ChooseFI are my favorite personalities and once you hear how they and their guests making <60k can save so much it makes it easier to figure out how to do it on a higher salary


$3500-4000/m. $105k salary.


They live at home so that’s why it works.


~$5000 /m for me with $130k salary. I also live at home if that helps.


Kudos to another consultant living at home !


The level of dedication in saving money here is unreal...


Age 35, $3,300 per month (includes 401k, short term savings, stock purchase plan), $117k salary

I also have an emergency fund in cash of $30k, equity of about $100k in my house, as well as about $375k saved in retirement and other funds, so I feel pretty comfortable.

I thought I was doing well, but geez, some of you are crazy savers


Remember folks: you can't take anything with you to your grave 😃


😮 I suck at saving compared to you all super savers.

90k and save 2k/ month


Interested to know how you all save so much. With housing, car, expenses (mobile, phone utilities, internet, food, etc.) how is it possible? I’d like to do the same but could use pointers on how it’s done.


Max 401k, max HSA, max Roth IRA, 5% Accenture ESPP. Those are all automatic investments so I don’t even see the cash in my checking acct. Those total a 30% savings rate.

My monthly expenses (rent+all else, including car insurance) are roughly $3200. That leaves an additional $1000-1300/m that I transfer to a traditional brokerage account every month. I fully own my car, which helps.


Lol fellas, we’re not hoarding for the sake of hoarding. We’re saving for the prosperity to do everything we want in life now, as well as later, without worry of running out. We’re saving for family’s, a home, children, their education, that fancy BMW, parents, vacations, restaurants, on and on. Believe me we’re spending too 😉


I am going to shamelessly fill in for the lower end of the tax brackets here - 50k, save about 1k a month after maxing 401(k). It's not much, but it's about 50% of my take home pay, so... A for effort? 😅


29, 105k salary. I save $4000-4500/m


Impressive savings rate. Envious of the tax treatment in TX.


$81k, ~$3.5k/month


How are you able to save so much? Do you have expenses?


23, $75k/yr, save $3000 a month.
@A3 Maximizing 401(k) contributions decreases tax burden, I live a little outside of my city so rent is a little cheaper ($1200/m), I take local transportation instead of owning a car, I split expenses with roommates, and I get sick of eating out enough while traveling that I usually cook for the few days per week that I’m home.



Age 28, $200K net.


Put those saved dollars to work for you so you don’t have to work as hard for your dollars


210k. Save about 7k/month after 401k contribution.


Age 27
Salary $80,000
Saving $3000/month


You all are inspirations!


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