You're good. Make sure you have six months expenses in accessible cash, and don't 'try' to spend everything else, but don't need to be super restrictive beyond that. I was in a similar place (though with lower rent) and with the rate Bain salaries increase, you'll be in great shape, just increase annual spending by less than annual pay raise.
AC2 - The money in a Roth IRA is not taxed when you withdraw funds in retirement. This is really good if you expect your tax bracket in retirement to be higher than it is now. The 401k max changes periodically and increased to $18,000 starting 2015.
Thanks all for the input! I've heard a lot of differing opinions about the Roth 401k vs Roth IRA. Isn't a mix of traditional/Roth 401k better given the uncertain financial climate in the future? I may just be risk averse to the full 401k contribution, so I'd love to hear more detailed thoughts.
Sounds early in your career. Good job on savings. Personally I'd go full Roth IRA and 401k now. When your salary goes too high you won't be able to use Roth IRA, so get in now while you can
You're good. Make sure you have six months expenses in accessible cash, and don't 'try' to spend everything else, but don't need to be super restrictive beyond that. I was in a similar place (though with lower rent) and with the rate Bain salaries increase, you'll be in great shape, just increase annual spending by less than annual pay raise.
Thinking our firms should offer free financial advisors who can compare us to each other - we post about budgets and investing every day 😂
Backdoor Roth IRA is always a possibility...And with Trump in the WH that's not going away any time soon
Do you really work for Bain ?
AC2 - The money in a Roth IRA is not taxed when you withdraw funds in retirement. This is really good if you expect your tax bracket in retirement to be higher than it is now. The 401k max changes periodically and increased to $18,000 starting 2015.
AC2 - Max on a Roth IRA is $5,500/year
Thanks all for the input! I've heard a lot of differing opinions about the Roth 401k vs Roth IRA. Isn't a mix of traditional/Roth 401k better given the uncertain financial climate in the future? I may just be risk averse to the full 401k contribution, so I'd love to hear more detailed thoughts.
Sounds early in your career. Good job on savings. Personally I'd go full Roth IRA and 401k now. When your salary goes too high you won't be able to use Roth IRA, so get in now while you can
True. It's just not as simple
How is the backdoor not simple? If you have an IRA already the call to vanguard or fidelity takes no longer than 10 minutes
Why is Roth IRA better? And what's the max on it? Also I thought the 401K max was 10%?
Save as much as possible. It will help you once you start family:)
Y don't you do a Roth 401k instead?
About $17K per month into savings. Married dual income no kids