How much do M&A partners at midsized law firms make? How long is partnership track on average?

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This is way too broad to answer. Geography? Middle market m&a? Small market? How sophisticated is the practice?

What is the partnership comp model? Eat what you kill? Lockstep? Rainmakers usually make more than service partners at most firms.

Equity or non-equity? 6-10 years for non-equity, and usually 8+ in most cases. Many firms have two-tier systems and many people never make equity partner. There’s usually a buy-in plus some form of origination requirement, along with a profitability req. But every firm is different and you haven’t even attempted to qualify the firm type other than “midsized.”


I think average was the operative word here. OP is looking for some ranges and examples, this is not an MSJ


I’m one data point. Non equity, 250 base, non-major city, 7 years three months total partnership (plus a year or clerking).


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