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Does anyone else struggle with IFRS?
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Does anyone else struggle with IFRS?
Anyone at Ritz Battery Park?
“We are all domestic terrorists” - CPAC 2022
Thanks KPMG! 🙄
I have a high deductible plan and have gestational diabetes so I have a lot more tests and appts. I just hit my deductible of 2800. I have 1k more before I hit the out of pocket max. I assume I will get there. But I chose high deductible for the lower premiums and hsa so I expected this.
Depends. Your max out of pocket is an important North Star. My best advice is to know what your max OOP is and if your company offers an HSA, max it out so the expenses don’t come out of budgeted, post-take home, cash flow
But your expenses will depend on if your plan covers. For instance, mine covers appointments but not labs (I’m in Industry now btw). So, we’ve had to pay all of my labs.
Since it is our first baby, we also did the full genetic testing (not just the baby’s but ours, too). That was about $2k after insurance.
Ive also had complications that will cause me to see an MFM.
I just think American Health Insurance is the biggest fraud ever. So many families pay extremely high prices for subpar care.