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As a millennial with multiple monitors I have this strange superpower of being able to monitor my inbox at all times but with a mental filter that prevents me from getting distracted by unimportant emails that come in.
Same. 3 monitors, and 1 of which is placed at the periphery has Outlook constantly open on it.
I’m constantly monitoring. I have the popup notification thing set up in outlook where I get an alert each time an email comes does get distracting at times, so maybe you can turn that off? But at this point, having worked on 50 of the same deals 😑, I can tell by looking at the subject line and who the email is addressed to (does it say my name or just “All”) whether it requires my immediate attention or if I can let it marinate. In corporate, emails seem to fall into three categories: getting docs from one group that I have to then pass on to some other group; emails from partners/srs asking me to do something; emails from a client that I have to think about before fwding to the partner with a semblance of a proposed answer (these always take up the most attention!).
Same. If it’s a client, and I can likely depend minimal time answering the question or addressing the issue, I answer it right away. Anyone else is put on back burner until I finish the task at hand. Once done with the task, clear inbox and start next task. Rinse and repeat.
Turn off email notifications and keep outlook minimized. You’ll be surprised how much this reduces email distraction