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Minneapolis, how's everyone doing?
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people who start at pwc in january are part of the annual performance review process and receive a raise with everyone else effective july 1 unless their performance isn’t satisfactory. but there’s a whole formal cohort pay bands system. nobody at any level within the firm is able to negotiate raises. on or off cycle.
First of all, I love the confidence that you feel that you will kill it so well that you will deserve and ask for a raise in first 2-3 months.
No sweat!
Almost certainly not, your firm probably has a policy that states who is eligible for raises, and after 6 months I’m not sure you’d qualify
Would not have guessed you’d be eligible, thanks for sharing
I hate how schools and “career coaches” teach students nothing about how large global firms work. Yes, at small companies you can arbitrarily start a compensation discussion, but at large global firms where most engagement teams are larger than small companies there is no such a thing as walking into a Partner’s or Executive’s office to ask for a raise…
This. You assimilate or else.
uhh. no. negotiate what you need when you take the job. don’t play games.
The only way that would happen is if you were brought in severely under leveled and under compensated or they give out an adhoc “cost of living”(or whatever) raise to everyone.
Keep in mind that besides the past 2 years, we have not done the mid year adjustment.
Performance lifecycle at KPMG is anyone in before end of April is included in year end reviews. The folks I brought in (at market price) got a basic bonus at year end but it’s more or less CoL. Generally it’s priced into the offer.
Now… if you’re absolutely killing it you may get more, but almost always in variable and not base.
^I can corroborate this as accurate
Which one of you first corporate job Gen Z people posted this nonsense?
6 months is not nearly enough time bro
I had a guy who joined our team and on day one he was talking about when he could get promoted. I suggested he learn where, say, the men’s room was located before worrying about that.
the whole point of big 4 is the up or out structure where you are rapidly getting promoted, and raises along with it. in a corporate (industry) job, your advancement prospects are far more questionable, so that’s where a salary negotiation might make more sense. but in big 4, you’re better off just letting the accelerated advancement take its natural course.
If folks starting in the June cycle are coming in at much higher market rates, you might get a compression bump, but otherwise no.
If there was compression it would be to everyone affected - not just you
To answer your question, I'd say 1-1.5 years in is acceptable to talk raises based on project work and market value.
I joined last year in march and did receive a small raise july… wasn’t expecting it but was great to get it.
At least in Audit, there is a whole performance development cycle, with specific dates for raises and promotions.
Gen Z: yes! I agree to the job, but when after I start the job can I tell you I actually don’t agree and want an 100% increase in base so I can retire at 30? What do you mean Mr. Beast is a unicorn! How dare you insult my self-absorbed perception of myself based on truthful social media content created by Bots and 1990’s scripts rewritten with modern day slang! Pay me, or, or, I’ll rant on TikTok about you…don’
I started at KPMG in June and got a 5% salary increase for end of FY. Each one has their own policies but generally if you start before a certain date you’ll be included in the compensation talk for EOY. Talk to your manager or recruiter about it.
Expect minimum 12-14months. Most companies will stick to annual evaluations to actually show performance but if you can go in and kill it and stand out then you could ask sooner. But I wouldn’t any sooner than 10 months. IMHO
I wouldn't think any place would consider giving a raise that soon, but good luck
You gonna wait for 12-18 months of work before hoping to get a promo or a bonus.
Good luck!
Not Big 4, but generally there's no rule about when you can ask for a raise.
If you want to *successfully* ask for a raise, the general rule of thumb is to discuss compensation at your annual review.
Three months into the job, you're usually still learning the job. I can only see someone who getting a raise six months in if they're a stellar top 1% performer, or somehow ended up taking on significant job performance duties outside their original envisioned role. Even then, I think it's more likely that the raise would be given at the annual review.