2. Use this time to go to a therapy session, organize/strategize on how much you need to save to have minimum 4 months expenses Incase you quit when it’s unbearable
3. Figure out your goals, a timeline, and activities you need to do to get to where you want to.
...depressed for a few years and have definitely struggled with disordered eating. I’ve been applying but I haven’t had much luck and when I have gotten far in interview processes I haven’t gotten an offer...I feel like I’m stuck and can’t get out of my current role.
1. Plan for a 1-2 week vacation a month from now.
2. Use this time to go to a therapy session, organize/strategize on how much you need to save to have minimum 4 months expenses Incase you quit when it’s unbearable
3. Figure out your goals, a timeline, and activities you need to do to get to where you want to.
...depressed for a few years and have definitely struggled with disordered eating. I’ve been applying but I haven’t had much luck and when I have gotten far in interview processes I haven’t gotten an offer...I feel like I’m stuck and can’t get out of my current role.