Anyone have undesirable side effects from the meds that you take for depression or anxiety? How do you cope with them? For me, the side effects are the lesser of two evils, because the meds themselves are working for me.
I take Bupropion (Wellbutrin), and is effective in helping me with my depression, but the side effect that I experience, memory issues, is pronounced and bothersome. My psychiatrist and I tried reducing my dosage, and it lessened the side effect, but it became quite clear that I needed to revert to my normal dosage to address my depression.
At one point we tried a "cocktail" by adding a small dose of Abilify, but that med was disastrous for me, and I needed to curtail it for my own well being (YMMV).
As someone with both - ambien works but the side effects suck. Klonopin works, fewer side effects. If you're not looking for medication, I've found a good nightly routine helps too - no looking at your phone in bed, maybe read a book until you get tired, etc
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Thanks. I’ve been trying to find tips and tricks for my sister and I’ve even mentioned above (just chooses not to do it) and it’s extra frustrating
I’ve been struggling, too. I am on antidepressants and I’m no longer depressed but I am exhausted from lack of sleep. I have a mmj card and I eat 10 mg before bed. Downfall is I can’t sleep through the night. I know ambien will do the trick but I can’t get a prescription
I was on ambien for 15 years and still couldn't sleep. Finally took myself off about a year ago. Still can't sleep. Take melatonin once in a while and still can't sleep. I think some of us are just wired this way.
Bowl Leader
How old is your sister/how recent are the diagnoses? The right coping skills are going to be specific to her, and she really has to want to address it
If the diagnoses are new, she might be grieving/it may be an emotional blockage that keeps her from taking advice
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24. She just chooses prayer which only makes it worse because all you do is think about it. Doesn’t listen to general advice on day to day. Will do well 3-4 days then have one bad day and say F it