Hubby and I said we’d start trying so I’ve gone through all the basic changes - prenatal, no alc, less coffee, cycle tracking, pheromone check, etc. But....

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Personal opinion. I’m about ready to start tying and hubby, well, he was ready 4 years ago. My take is that I’m not worried about him cutting back on coffee or booze (and to be honest I may cut back but until we have tried a few months and not gotten preg I don’t plan to change much). I think the red flag is avoiding sex on the days that count. And that warrants a convo. If he’s trying and just still wants coffee, a scotch and to not talk a ton, well ok. But not having sex when it counts? That’s the convo. Does that help? Caveat- me joining this bowl and buying “what to expect before youre expecting” are really big steps for me at 34


I think my guy thought having a baby was permission for a lot more sex. He didn’t really get the exact timing of it all and the prep, etc... Until we talked about it being his one contribution to the whole process he was not treating it as training event like I was :). The challenge is teaching him without losing the spontaneity... have fun with it OP. It took us years, modern medicine and lots of cash to make a baby and some people smoke crack and pop them out easy peasy. Point is... try but don’t overstress yourself or him.


...apparently saying you’re ready and acting like you’re ready can be two different things. He skips sex during peak days, still drinks lots (🍺🥃☕️☕️☕️☕️), and says “talking about this stuff is silly”. So should I just give up? This is disheartening.

I think getting to the bottom of - when we agreed we’d start trying, what did you think that’d mean? Speaking from someone who didn’t speak her needs enough over a very long and emotional TTC period, I also can’t recommend enough finding a good counselor specializing in TTC if you continue to feel like he’s not taking this as seriously as you need him to. Also, same as mentioned above. Personally, I wouldn’t sweat the small stuff like coffee or alcohol at the point. You have to live your life, too. I did the same for years and wish I had sought a RE specialist’s help sooner. Diet, exercise, stress, no alcohol would have made little to no difference given my undiagnosed and widespread endometriosis. If you track your ovulation for 6-9 months and try each time with no success, time to talk to your doctor together.

Why is it some folks can just sit on a lap and get pregnant?! It really seems that way sometimes. “ We weren’t even trying!!” 😒

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