Hurry up eggs, I need my retrieval to happen BEFORE Thanksgiving.

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Looking like next weekend for me 🥺

My clinic does egg retrievals everyday including Thanksgiving so it doesn’t really matter to them! Whatever’s best for the outcome

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My follicles are now at 18mm, 17mm, 16mm…so I am triggering tonight! Egg retrieval on Monday, BOOYAH!


Congratulations! Baby dust on the embryos


I got 6 eggs, all were mature, and all fertilized!! I took ubiquinol for both cycles and introduced açaí berry to my diet 1.5 months ago since my first egg retrieval and improved upon the fertilization rate, so I’d like to think it helped!! In addition to getting great sleep (8-9 hours each night)!!


I'm in a very similar situation. 8 retrieved yesterday, 6 fertilized. Waiting for friday when I'll find out how many made it to Day 5.


Newbie question but is the reason (1) medical or (2) just personal preference? E.g., you just don’t want thanksgiving being interrupted?


Agree, I would definitely stay away from alcohol!

Different perspective but I’m intentionally avoiding a retrieval before holidays in case I get OHSS. Happened last retrieval and I couldn’t walk properly or eat for a week.

Nice! I got 5 normal. 4 girls & 1 boy.


How's it going OP?

My first round of 3 PGT-A embryos included one normal but with a poor grading (c) which the doctor gave a 25% chance of resulting in a live birth. The other 2 have good grades with 65% chance of resulting in live birth. I want 2-3 children in the future, hence went for another retrieval prior to attempting a first transfer.


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Feb 2020: IUI leading to miscarriage at 7 weeks. August 2020: IVF frozen transfer (ICSI), miscarriage at 6 weeks. February 2021: IVF transfer #2, went for 8 week US today, baby’s measuring on track, heart rate of 170, I saw the heart beat and baby gave a little wiggle. Graduated from our fertility clinic, with 10 week US scheduled for
2 weeks from today. For now....the happiness is real (I’m the hubby btw).


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