I added a well recognized litigator in my area at a top firm on LinkedIn... reason being is that I’m a first year in litigation and hope to accomplish at least half the things he has in my career. So it’s interesting to see his takes on things when he engages on a post.

I’m tempted to send him a personal message, not for a job or anything, but honestly just to ask “how he did it” and what advice he might give.

Is there any harm in this? Don’t wanna be annoying.

Posting as :
works at
You are currently posting as works at

I’ve done this many times. Most people are willing to grab a coffee & chat. I actually just referred a matter to a guy I met through LinkedIn. Law is a relationship business


Not at all! Go send him a message and tell him you aspire to follow his career path and would be grateful for any advice as you begin your career.


Go for it! Best case scenario he’s willing to engage and offer his perspective and advice. Worst case scenario he ignores the message. No real downside


No need for formal ice breakers, as I see it. I’ve been on either side of these conversations so many times. Everyone gets it: someone earlier in their career wants to learn more and get mentorship from someone who’s “made it” to some extent. So just start the call with normal chit chat or shared background stuff (where are you nowadays given the remote world, how was your experience at [same school, if so], etc.), articulate your purpose for the call (want to learn more about your practice, experience, etc.), ask good pre-written and organic questions (how did you get started in this line of work, what did you do in X job, how did you think through Y inflection in your career, etc.), and then end with something simple (hope to keep in touch, etc.). What you’ll often find is that older folks *want* to mentor younger folks, because they’ve also been in your position. Good luck!


Thanks so much!

It feels weird, but I think that’s what LI is for.


Anyone have any go to ice breakers? I guess there’s no formula for that

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