I am a Design engineer working at a civil engineering consulting firm with 3 years of experience. I am thinking about changing my career to construction and I have an interview coming up soon with a reputable construction company. The new position would be a Construction Superintendent. Is this a “downgrade” in any way?

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All the trades can be an entrepreneurial way to carve out your own business, if you’re interested in that path .

It's only a downgrade if the move doesn't align with your goals in life. Let your character define your place in a community, not your job title.


Well said! Important to list and rank what you want. You got to then think about how the next job sets you up for the next job. Way to often we only think job -> job, but we really need to think job -> job -> job. Best of luck OP!


Great point. Also worth noting that being a senior in one field, when completely changing fields, you can need to transition from a senior position to a junior.

This is perhaps a financial downgrade, but:
1. If it's where your heart is, you'll be happier.
2. If you had some experience in it already, you may grow to a more senior position quicker.
3. Now you'll also have background knowledge of another field. Immensely powerful (depending if it's a transferrable skill)

Don't overthink it. Stick to a passion and your gut and you'll be happier in the long run based on what you will do 8 hours every day in your new life, rather than your first new salary


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Skills Required:
Automation testing using Selenium tool
Some coding experience in Java/Java script
Experience in rest assured is Mandatory.
Some coding experience in Java/Java script
Front End and Database testing (DML Statements)
Tool used for DB testing line Putty etc.
Domain knowledge on Projects worked in the past

If interested, please share resume along with resume at nidhi.1.singh@coforge.com


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