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I have been getting help for my most recent bout with severe depression for weeks but this time things are extremely different. Nothing feels better. I don’t want to go back to work because I feel no better. It’s so bad that for the past few I’ve had dreams of my own demise, and it’s not all that bad (still better than waking up). I’m not going to hurt myself but this is creating more stress than I really need. Any ideas? Siemens stress should be declared a health hazard.
Will fight. Have stopped drinking.
Don’t want to discuss defense, for obvious reasons. But thanks for responding - this is so isolating. Life plows on, and work still is demanding. But I can’t shake the possibility that a month from now I might not be able go to the grocery story without someone giving me a ride.
That’s a tough one. Can’t say that I’ve been there but only thing I can suggest is take this challenge on one step at a time. Try not to look too far into the future. Your life is probably going to change, and it might be one of the toughest things you’ll go through in your life, but the hope is that you grow and learn and become a better person because of it. Best wishes and good luck at your trial.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Are you planning on fighting it?
Were the keys in the ignition?
I’m sure OP is aware of this and more of an FYI: unless your keys were in the trunk of your car, if it’s “easily accessible”, like in arms reach, you can still get a DUI.
Been there before, it’s been 4+ years since so the immediate effects are nearly gone (*cough* except Canada) but it definitely altered my life (in some good ways as well as the obvious bad). Can’t give any legal advice (I got walked all over in court and the only concession I was able to get was house arrest instead of jail time) but always happy to chat if you need an ear.