I am committed to working in Experience Design, but rather apathetic and bored with the everyday mundane work. Friends, have you been here and did you find a way to create more interesting work?

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Side projects/personal projects. Something you like to do that challenges you to learn something new.


Find a hobby


Moved into experience strategy.


To be honest, try getting on a pitch. Itll be a few weeks of crazy busy work but without a ton of rules.


I'm freelancing and jumping agencies / companies every 5 months, that really keeps it fresh and motivating


Yeah create something of your own. A side project.


Explore other design work as options (service, communication, strategy, etc.)


Do a side project! I’m on the hunt for a new one myself and just the possibility has me energized.


Do a research project! It'll also help you become a more well rounded designer


Thanks all for the suggestions!

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EL Graphic Designer DSM, IA - $45k
Graphic Designer DSM, IA - $50k+
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