I am curious how you guys would handle a parent that is always doing my student's homework for them. It is just writing practice and letter formation. I like my student to practice frequently and it is quite evident that her mom just does her work every night. I am a little frustrated. TIA

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It might be that the student melts down at the thought of homework, or gets overwhelmed during homework and mom is not dealing with it appropriately....she just does it for her. Maybe a conversation with mom will help?

I write a general note to all of the parents. Say some students are bringing in homework that is clearly not of their own doing. inform them that homework is for reinforcement. Go on to further say that you are familiar w/the level of work that your students are capable of producing and some of the homework is far beyond what you are used to seeing throughout the day. If you have a student handbook that covers cheating, make a copy and remind parents that they signed acknowledgement of the consequences for cheating. Tell them they are depriving their child of the ability to meet goals that have been set. It isn’t fair to their child, nor to other students who are completing their own work. If the cheating continues you will have to forward it to administration. Do just that if you have to & sometimes you will.

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