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Any words about DDB letting go people recently?
I’m not all that interested in seeing Hamilton.
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Hello 🐠.
I'm setting up a new aquarium. AMA
What is your relationship with your parents like?
What life lesson did you learn the hard way?
Do you like your job?
You’ve been indoctrinated by corporate America into this tradition of two weeks notice. Companies would fire you over a zoom call. It doesn’t matter how you do it.
You’re right! I’ve seen them first hand fire a Manager that had been with the company 5+ years on a Friday and announce later that day that the new Manager was starting on Monday.
Rising Star
Drop them an email and bounce. That’s professional and enough courtesy for people that are awful to work with.
As for the guilt, maybe it’ll dissipate once you start the new job.
Thank you for the advice!
I think the guilt stems from leaving my team in the hands of the management team. I am excited to start the new job so I’m sure the first day will help me to get over the guilt.
Tell them in person if you can and try to leave on good terms. You never know who you will run into again.
Don’t feel bad. You can be professional but two weeks is just a suggestion. From what you said they’ll probably be jerks no matter what.
Rising Star
Have an email to your team geared up on your personal email so you can send them a note if they escort you out. One of my old boss’s did this and we ended up getting together to celebrate him a week later.
Visual Storyteller
👻 👻
The news was taken well by one of my managers, he was on his way to inform HR and the Director. Not sure how the others will take it, but it feels like a huge weight off my shoulders!
Whichever feels right. I did this to a boss via email.
Two weeks is just a suggestion, less than that can be fine as well.
But we never know when we may see that person again, and if we may need for them to not at least hate us. So a nice cordial email or even a phone call is fine, as long as you’re still putting the effort into being tactful and professional.
Yes I don’t want to completely burn any bridges, but I know I do not plan on ever coming back to this company and if later down the line I go to an interview and see any of the management team in the interview I would immediately withdraw my application lol I don’t mean to be dramatic but I just could not put myself in the same situation again.
Conversation Starter
If they can fire you without 2 weeks notice then you can leave without it. Thats my outlook on it.
Rising Star
If you are not giving them any notice them you may as well shoot them an email in the AM and log out. Leave contact for HR so they can get their computer back
Rising Star
I week is perfectly respectable notice. Tell them Monday AM, day you are sorry but only able to give 1 week notice and tell them to let you know what they'd like you to focus on this week or how they'll like to handle handover.
It’s not about guilt. If you don’t give the 2 week notice, it may impact future references.
I reported a boss to the IRS right after I left so I was happy to piss him off with one week notice knowing I was about to permanently burn the bridge anyway. Rofl
How’d it go???
I work 2nd shift, but I did decide to write an official letter of resignation and go in early and tell one of the managers in person and hand him the letter. I’ll give an update after 2 pm 😊