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Which company is providing permanent wfh?
Eid Mubarak fam

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PRSA Chicago? Beneficial or past its prime?
Which company is providing permanent wfh?
Eid Mubarak fam
PRSA Chicago? Beneficial or past its prime?
Our CEO took a 75% pay cut and all VPs and back office (CTO,CFO, etc.) took a 30% pay cut.
Medium agency based in NYC. ~85 ppl
Yes, salaries for executive team and senior staff (globally) will be cut beginning in May. Percentage is not known.
External announcement / leak coming you think?
Is there anyone from Weber who can corroborate this? Curious to know what agencies are doing.
I’d appreciate so if the rumors are true, after knowing my salary of 2 years is less than if I were to receive unemployment benefits.
I am thankful to still have my job.
OK I’m assuming it’s a rumour given the radio silence. Is everyone else just waiting to hear?
There was a PR Week story about that, I seem to recall.
Oops forgot. I worked everywhere and get confused,😅
Not to my knowledge, but would appreciate.
Medium sized integrated agency: several on furlough, then rest of us got paycuts (agency wide).
Sorry to hear that PRS1. When did that happen? Are you ok?
Our leadership is taking the same cut here too.
Yep - the entire executive board.
Golin leadership took pay cuts.