I am in a counsel role at an AmLaw 100 firm. Was contacted by a recruiter about a counsel position at a V50, but they want my law school transcript. I graduated from law school 17 years ago. Is this just about confirming I actually have a degree or are they actually going to look at my grades?

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If it’s Gibson they’ll look at your grades and then ask for your LSAT! (Semi joking 😂)


My LSAT is way more impressive than my transcript and my work product.


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Can someone refer me in
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Hi all

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🍂November JOB THREAD!

Do you know of an opening or opportunity?

Share it in the comments below! Help another Fish. 🤝


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Hello! Thanks for dropping in! I'm just beginning my MBA journey attending Gies College of Business at University of Illinois. I created this bowl for anyone else going through an MBA program or that have attained their degree. Appropriate topics include program and university questions, thought leadership, networking and job opportunities.


May I ask for a referral for roles in McKinsey & Company Boston Consulting Group Bain & Company

Specialise in data analytics and data science
Happy to detail more in DMs!


What's the path to becoming a CMO?

hello! I'm currently a Director of Digital Marking for 3 Brands (owned by the same person) in Ohio. I'm 23, and have my bachelor's in Communications, as well as 7 different digital marketing related certs.

My goal is to become a CMO by 30. Where I'm at right now in my company, there's a really good chance I could be tapped to fill that role as my department grows, but I want to be in the best position possible.

What type of higher education should I pursue?


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Is anyone here willing to provide insight about job prospects between the two fields?

Or any other advice?


Hey all,
Im looking to pivot my career from industrial design to product design or product management.
At the moment i manage a team of 5 industrial designers for b2b sustainable fashion and retail interiors. The methodologies and processes are quite similar between physical and digital design so i feel i should not start from a junior position, however my portfolio contains only physical. Did anybody else make a similar career switch? Any advice for switching to product is welcome. Thanks!


Offer from a non FAANG company. Looking to understand if I should go with RSU option or Cash option and if the offer looks good. Context 3 YOE and Privacy role.
RSU Option
Base 110k
Bonus: 25% minimum with no cap
Sign On: 30K
RSU 38K over 4 years
Total Comp first year is at least 172k
Cash Option
Base 120k
Bonus 25% min with no cap
sign on 30k
Total Comp at least 180K first year
Bonus: 25% minimum with no cap
Sign On: 30K
Base 110k
Bonus: 25% minimum with no cap
Sign On: 30K


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Thanks 😊


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Admin law people: what are the chances the student loan rule gets struck down?


Title companies - how can you sleep at night knowing you blatantly lie to our faces every day about your wire cutoff time?


Who is the worst partner you ever worked with? I wanna hear some names. Don’t be scared…


For those of you who have recently lateraled, what was your signing bonus? Also, did the new firm match the old firm’s retention bonus? Thanks!


What is a standard bonus for a junior lateral? Just received an offer but had no bonus - is that standard?


4th year associate here ready to move out of biglaw and into the cannabis space… any tips?


Crossposting here. Bought a house with my partner (unmarried but planning on marrying in the future) I want to get a cohabitation agreement drafted so we know what happens if we split. Tips on what we should include?


Should I use multiple recruiters when looking to lateral? Is there anything wrong with that?Outside of submitting applications to the same firm through multiple recruiters


Hi boys & girls!

Joined a big firm (Big4) not long a go and starting to feel like I got a good grip on my current work.

I've always been very technical, so I think that the only thing I am missing now is making sales. (I really wanna make partner)

Can any seasoned lawyer share tips and materials (i.e. books) which can help?

Would it be a good idea to join a Social Club where potential clients spend time? (gym/tennis/paddel/events)

Any advice welcome!


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I’m a first year and fucked up big time. The client doesn’t know about this but a senior associate was furious. I know it’s 100% my fault but no one above me actually reviewed my work bc everyone was so busy. But then I found out the senior gave a rant about how I fucked up to another colleague. When I apologized to him, he was really salty. Since then, my heart drops every time I see his email bc I’m too scared. He is usually pretty emotional and his instructions are vague, which doesn’t help.


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