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Isn’t this just a rates question?
Do you expect to earn more investing the amount or paying down cc debt?
I have to imagine eliminating credit card debt is the answer
100% agree ^. Anything above 5% would probably be my threshold.
Absolutely pay off the CC debt. I assume those rates are high and even if not 70k of unsecured debt is terrible and puts u at risk if any other job gaps or unexpected expenses, will impact your credit score and rates u get for a mortgage, etc. then make sure you have 6 mo of living expenses I n emergency fund so u don’t get in that situation again. Based on your age and those numbers, I would probably not be looking to put a big number in a house down payment right now. Especially in an expensive market. I would be thankful of the chance to get in a better debt/savings ratio and then start over in terms of building up for that down payment.
That level of CC debt makes your life more expensive in other areas. Get that done first. Prioritize it to the extent of: stop contributing more than max to your 401k. Crippling yourself now with CC debt will remove any ability to live well in the future. Unless, I suppose, you never plan to pay off that debt?
CC debt is awful and as another commenter said, has a big impact on your credit. Pay those off immediately. Then if you have the cash for a house down payment, wait a few weeks to a month for those payoffs to hit your credit report before applying for a mortgage.
What interest rate are your cards at?
Debt first - those are high interests.
Update: paid off my cc debt, waited a month and my credit score refreshed and it is now excellent. Feels so good to be debt free!
I have since bought a house (no bidding war or above ask pricing bs), put 20% down. House is an area that is a little off the radar. I was able to lock in 3.5% just before the rate hike.
Thanks to all for the advice!