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Anyone here who has recently completed CPA?
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Anyone else have a spouse or partner who doesn't work in PA or corporate in general that doesn't understand how demanding the job can be? In a major fight with my wife over my work hours as of late. I'm not able to a lot of social activities right now and she feels "abandoned" (she works in non for profit)
How do I communicate how taxing and stressful the job is without being condescending or rude?
EY PwC KPMG Deloitte
What do you want to do with your career? I have my CPA and a CFE. When I was younger I wanted all the credentials. Now I only use the CPA. If you like learning why not go for a doctorate or masters? CMA haven’t heard about in years. The EA has no point if you have CPA
For tax with the cpa you can practice in most states as most states have mobility now, also the irs only cares that you have one. For issuing financials that maybe different. The CFE can be done all in one day on your couch and the study material guarantees you pass. You can do what you want but I’d try figuring out what exactly you want to do and tailor the learning and certificates to match that goal.
Why are you doing this?
Not sure what service line you're in but technical accounting is a lot of reading and learning if you'd consider a switch. Also, I'd focus on the CPA unless the others will directly contribute to your careers success.
If you’re going to be an accountant, just get your CPA. CPA has the best branding and at the end of the day certs are only as good as their brand
Yeah. I know. It’s really just a learning thing for me and a sense of accomplishment I guess. I’ve let my life pass me by so much for the last few years. I’ve wasted time partying…and relationships and just none sense. I want to I’m not the loser I’ve been for so long.
Getting CPA and some good experience are the most important. And then enjoy your life with free time, no need to get other credentials if you don’t need them.
One at a time! There is nothing wrong with getting all of those you have listed, besides it won’t likely matter much after you get your cpa. However you’re saying that you’re working on both CPA and EA at the same time, and this is not something I would recommend. If you don’t want to waste anymore of your time then spend the next 6-9 months dedicated to CPA to pass it.
Get the CPA. The rest will just fill you with regret for wasting time when you're in your 30's
This is wonderful. Don't feel sad thinking you wasted time. You are still very young and you are on the right path. If I may give my sincere opinion, you don't need an EA if you are a CPA. I'm about to turn 50 and one of my regrets was not pursuing higher education, so my highest recommendation is to get a Master's or Doctorate degree.
And you have savings to not work for 2-3 years damn