I am really suffering with God knows what. I don’t want to label it, but all I know is that I don’t have any motivation to do anything. This morning when my husband was talking to me I could barely

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Hear him. I was so spaced out. I couldn’t respond back or talk to him. I just broke down. I have a therapy session in 10 days, but I’m scared for myself. I don’t want to feel like this. I don’t want to take meds. What do I do

Therapy and meds both help. Can do either or both together. Need to find your own comfort level. I originally resisted meds but after several months of therapy started them and am now glad I did.

I would move your therapy session up though. Stay strong OP. Best you can do is get help, be honest with your partner, and start to look at options for medical leave.

I know you don’t want to take meds - I was the same way - but it might help. Or, look into CBD oil. If you have depression, you’d want to heal the part of your brain that is “in charge” of mood regulation.

I haven’t been taking meds, but therapy has helped immensely. I had a bad reaction to some initially and it’s made me feel worse about taking them in the future.

It’s silly, but just going to therapy gives me a sense that I’m taking care of myself. (Which means I’m worth being taken care of 😊) Even if it’s not a super ‘productive’ session, I always feel lighter and a bit happier getting as much “head bloat” as I can.

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Would be grateful for your help.


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